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Today we are launching our website. It’s has been in the works for many months and we are glad we finally made it happen.
All our members in this project have full time clinical jobs and already spending enormous amount of their own time to develop formularies. Finding time to write the content and develop the design was incredibly hard for the group but we made it.
We thank the Australian and New Zealand Neonatal Network (ANZNN) for supporting us and providing funding for the launch as well as ongoing maintenance of this website.
We thank Ms Vanessa Madunic, General Manager, Royal Hospital for Women for being the Executive sponsor of this project. Without her support, we couldn’t have set-up and run the teleconferences, ad hoc face to face meetings and utilised enormous amount of other local resources to progress this project.
Although today’s is the launch, this is still work in progress and please let us know of any inconsistencies/gaps/areas for improvements. We have given an email contact, but please remember we are all full time clinical work and very busy in our regular daily work. You may not get a reply from us immediately, but be patient, we will get back to you. If it’s an urgent clinical matter, you should always follow the standard path you normally do without waiting for our voluntary group to respond.